Volume I Issue I January 2024

Serial No. Title of the Paper Download Page No.
1 Author: Miss. Abhila S

Title of the Paper: Pepper Tourism: An Innovative Initiative of Responsible Tourism

Download 1-5
2 Author: Mr. Binto Kurain

Title of the Paper: A Study on the Impact of Job Burnout and Employee Productivity With Special Reference to Private Sector Banks in Idukki District, Kerala

Download 6-15
3 Author: Miss. Pooja Thulasan

Title of the Paper: Subaltern Women in Kunzang Choden’s Novel The Circle of Karma

Download 16-19
4 Author: Mr. Ashish George Mathew

Title of the Paper: A Study on the Stigma Associated with Schizophrenia

Download 20-25
5 Author: Mr. Robin George, Miss. Priyamol C.D

Title of the Paper: ആധുനികതയുും സ്വതവപ്രതിസ്ന്ധിയുും.
മയ്യഴിപ്പുഴയുടെ തീരങ്ങളിൽ -ഒരു രഠനും

Download 26-33
6 Author: Mr. Akhil Jose

Title of the Paper: Empowering Dalit Women in Kerala: The Transformative Impact of Contemporary Education across Cultural, Economic, Social, and Political Spheres

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7 Author: Miss. Sneha Emmanuel, Miss. Nimmy Paul,
Miss. Rose Mariya James

Title of the Paper: An Empirical Analysis of Workplace Spirituality Among Educational Professionals: With Special Focus On Faculty Of Self Financing Colleges In Idukki District

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8 Author: Mr. Manikandan. S

Title of the Paper: The Role of Artificial Intelligence (Ai) In Human Resource Management in Today’s Context

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9 Author: Mr. Tibin Thomas

Title of the Paper: Impact of Destination Image, & Tourist Satisfaction On Tourist Destination Loyalty

Download 69-96
10 Author: Miss. Tiji Tom

Title of the Paper: Impact of Machine Learning in New Product Management and Digital Marketing in Industry 5.0

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11 Author: Miss. Anitta Wilson

Title of the Paper: Customers’ Awareness, Inception And Adoption of Green Banking

Download 109-126
12 Author: Miss. Sona Thomas

Title of the Paper: Customer Perceptions of Service Quality of Flipkart using SERVQUAL Model

Download 127-152