Author’s Guidelines

Submission Process

Authors are required to submit their articles exclusively through the online submission system. Only MS Office Word files will be accepted for submission.

Manuscript Formatting

Please use Times New Roman font with a font size of 12. Authors are free to use MLA, APA, or any other standard documentation style for Works Cited or References.

Manuscript Details

In the submission file, include the following details: Title of the paper Name(s) of the author(s) Designation(s) Official Address Mobile Number and Email ID Abstract (250 words) Minimum of five keywords Scope and Purpose of the study Conclusion Complete References or Works Cited

Copyright Form

Each submitted article must be accompanied by a filled Copyright Form, which can be downloaded from our journal website. Failure to submit a filled copyright form will result in the article not being forwarded for peer review.

Exclusive Submission

Authors are advised not to submit the article elsewhere until they receive communication regarding the rejection or acceptance for publication from the editorial team.

Review Process

The submitted articles will undergo a peer-review process. The final decision on publication will be made by the Editor-in-Chief based on feedback from reviewers.

Contact Information

For any queries or communication, please contact the Editor-in-Chief: Editor-in-Chief JPM Journal for Multidisciplinary Research Email: